All games incorporate psychology, this one takes it head on. You will be using Backhanded Compliments, Clever Insults, Paranoia, Stress and Phobias to manipulate scores on four dimensions. It has twists, multiple tactics, and counter-actions that keep the game fresh and replay-able.
Your strategic decisions will be based upon balancing your:
- Mental Energy
- Psychological Baggage
- Attacks or Defense
- High energy cards vs. Low cost cards
- Therapy
The flavor of the game is light, but the strategy is intense. You choose to lower another player’s score with a clever insult, they block that change with resiliency, but you overcome their resilience with persistence. All of these actions use Mental Energy… is that where you want to spend it?
Ages: 13+
Players: 2 to 4
Time: 30 Mins